Learn Game AI with Unity Visual Scripting


660 Students
+100 Students a month
450 Hours taught

Project Overview
I partnered with Dr. Penny de Byl (Holistic3D) to create a visual scripting version of her quintessential game AI course "The Beginner's Guide to Artificial Intelligence."

Visual scripting is a style of programming easier for visual-thinkers, like artists and designers. It is also a fantastic introduction to programming concepts and the Unity API.
Course Design
Part 1. Visual Scripting Fundamentals:

Create a day/night cycle with fireflies, streetlights, and an in-game clock.

Part 2. Navigation Meshes & Movement:

Make a city come to life with animals, crowds, and traffic.

Part 3. Finite State Machines:

Program laser gun turrets and an enemy robot.

Make Your Game Worlds Come to Life